Our reading today begins with the temptation of Jesus. How often have we heard these narratives? Because the stories are so familiar do we somehow put our minds on auto pilot?
Pray with me. Father, as we read these accounts of Jesus, His temptation, the calling of the first disciples, and the crowds that came to Jesus lead us by Your Spirit to deep spiritual truths we have not known. Open us up to accepting the miraculous in our lives. Make us more than observers of Your glory. Move within us to participate in Your plan. In Jesus name amen.
Where was Jesus?
Where are we?
Why did Satan show up?
What was he challenging?
Does the Devil ever challenge us the same way?
Jesus taught some powerful lessons in these accounts. Here’s our opportunity to share. Today, I’m asking you to stick to this chapter and share your thoughts: What has God shown you through this chapter, and how are you preparing to answer your calling?
Overcome the doubt and fear that holds you back and share your thoughts.
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