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Matthew Chapter 22

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Have you ever missed out on something important because you were too busy or distracted? Maybe it was a dinner with friends, a family gathering, or even a chance to help someone in need. Life pulls us in so many directions that it’s easy to let important opportunities slip by. As I read Matthew 22, I couldn’t help but think about how often we do this with God’s invitation.

In the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus tells a story about a king who invites guests to a great banquet. The invitations are generous, but one by one, people make excuses: they’re busy with their farms, businesses, and daily lives. Some even mistreat the messengers sent to invite them. Finally, the king opens the banquet to anyone willing to come, and the hall is filled with guests, both “good and bad.”

This parable is a clear picture of God’s kingdom. The king represents God, who invites all of us to share in His joy and fellowship. But how often do we get caught up in our own “farms” and “businesses”? How often do we let the busyness of life—work, hobbies, or even good things—distract us from responding to God?

I find it sobering to think about those who ignored the king’s invitation. They didn’t reject it because they were openly hostile; they just had other priorities. How often do I do the same? Maybe I don’t outright say “no” to God, but my actions speak louder than my words. When I put off prayer, skip time in His Word, or delay obedience, I’m essentially saying, “Not now, Lord. I’m too busy.”

Yet God’s invitation is still there. He doesn’t give up on us. Like the king in the parable, He keeps reaching out, inviting us into His presence. And here’s the best part: the invitation isn’t based on our worthiness. The banquet hall is filled with people from all walks of life—those who feel “good enough” and those who don’t. The only requirement is that they respond.

But there’s a final twist in the parable: one guest shows up without wedding clothes. He accepted the invitation but didn’t prepare. This reminds me that while God’s grace is freely given, it calls for a response. We’re invited to clothe ourselves in righteousness, to live as people transformed by His love.

Today, I want to ask: How am I responding to God’s invitation? Am I too busy, distracted, or complacent? Or am I saying “yes” with my whole heart, ready to enjoy the feast He has prepared?

Take a moment to reflect. God is inviting you into something beautiful—fellowship with Him, a life of purpose, and a future of hope. Don’t let distractions keep you from the banquet. Say “yes” today.

What does your, “Yes, Lord” look like?

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