Matthew 25 is one of those chapters that makes me stop and think. Jesus tells three parables—the Ten Virgins, the Talents, and the Sheep and Goats—and each one carries a weighty message about being ready, faithful, and accountable.
As I read this chapter, I can’t help but ask myself: Am I truly prepared for His return? Am I using what He’s given me wisely? Am I living in a way that reflects His love?
The Parable of the Ten Virgins hits home. Ten bridesmaids are waiting for the bridegroom, but only five have enough oil for their lamps. When the bridegroom finally arrives, the unprepared ones scramble to get more oil, but it’s too late—the door is shut. It’s a sobering reminder that I can’t rely on someone else’s faith. I need my own oil, my own personal relationship with Jesus. Do I spend time with Him daily, filling my heart with His truth, or am I just assuming I’ll figure it out later?
Then Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents. A master gives his servants different amounts of money and leaves on a journey. Two of them invest wisely, but one buries his in fear. When the master returns, he praises the two who were faithful and condemns the one who did nothing. This one really makes me think—am I using what God has given me? My time, my gifts, my resources—am I stewarding them well, or am I playing it safe, afraid to step out in faith?
And then, the final parable—the Sheep and the Goats. Jesus describes the final judgment, where people are separated based on how they treated others. Those who fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and cared for the sick and imprisoned are welcomed into His kingdom. Those who ignored those in need are turned away. Jesus makes it clear: when we serve others, we’re serving Him. This hits deep. How often do I get so caught up in my own world that I overlook the needs around me? Do I truly love people the way Jesus does?
Matthew 25 is a wake-up call. It reminds me that faith isn’t passive—it’s active. It’s being prepared, faithful, and compassionate. It’s not just believing in Jesus; it’s living for Him every day.
So, I have to ask myself: Am I living like someone who’s ready? Am I using what God has entrusted to me? Am I loving people the way He calls me to?
Lord, help me to be ready. Help me not to waste the gifts You’ve given me. Open my eyes to the needs around me and give me a heart that loves like You do. I don’t want to be caught unprepared. I want to live fully for You. Amen.
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