Matthew 26 is a chapter filled with intense emotions—betrayal, denial, sorrow, and ultimate surrender. As I read through it, I find myself identifying with different people in the story. And if I’m honest, it’s not always in the ways I’d like.
Judas, one of Jesus’ closest followers, betrays Him for thirty pieces of silver. That’s shocking, but then I ask myself—have I ever chosen something over Jesus? Have I ever let my desires, comfort, or pride take priority over Him?
Peter boldly declares he’ll never deny Jesus, yet only hours later, fear gets the best of him, and he does exactly that. I want to think I’d stand strong, but how often have I stayed silent when I should have spoken up for my faith? Have I ever acted like I didn’t know Jesus to avoid discomfort or judgment?
Then there’s Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. This moment is overwhelming. He’s sorrowful to the point of death, falling on His face in prayer, asking if there’s any other way. Yet He surrenders completely: “Not as I will, but as You will.” That kind of surrender is hard. Have I ever resisted God’s will because it was difficult? Do I trust Him enough to say, “Your way, not mine”?
And what about the disciples who were supposed to keep watch with Jesus? Instead, they fell asleep. I wonder, have I ever been spiritually asleep—missing what God is doing because I’m too tired, too distracted, or too wrapped up in my own life?
This chapter isn’t just history; it’s a mirror. It makes me reflect on my own heart. But the good news? Jesus knew all of this would happen, and He still chose the cross. He knew Judas would betray Him, Peter would deny Him, and the disciples would fail Him. And He still said, “This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
That includes me. That includes you.
So, let’s reflect together. Have you ever had a moment where you felt like Peter—wanting to stand strong but failing under pressure? Have you ever struggled to surrender to God’s plan? Have you ever felt distant from Jesus, even though you love Him?
Here’s the beautiful truth: Jesus doesn’t give up on us. Even in our failures, He offers grace. Even in our weakness, He gives strength.
Lord, search my heart. Show me where I’ve chosen something over You, where fear has kept me from standing firm, where I’ve resisted Your will. Thank You for loving me despite my failures. Help me to trust You fully, to stay awake to Your presence, and to follow You faithfully. Amen.
What part of Matthew 26 speaks to you the most? Have you ever seen yourself in one of these moments? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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