Mark 3 gives us a powerful moment where Jesus calls His twelve disciples. Out of the crowds following Him, He chooses twelve to be with Him and to be sent out to preach. It makes me wonder—what made the difference? Why these twelve?
Plenty of people followed Jesus. Some were curious. Some wanted healing. Some just wanted to see what He would do next. But the twelve were different. They weren’t just called—they were chosen. And the difference? They responded.
Jesus didn’t pick the most qualified, the most religious, or the most impressive. He chose fishermen, a tax collector, even someone who would later betray Him. But they were willing. When He called, they said yes.
That challenges me. Many are called, but few are chosen—not because God plays favorites, but because not everyone is willing to surrender. How often does God call me to something, but I hesitate? How many times has He invited me deeper, but I let fear, doubt, or distractions hold me back?
Being chosen isn’t about being special—it’s about being available. It’s about saying yes when Jesus calls. The disciples didn’t know everything, they didn’t have it all figured out, but they were willing to follow.
Lord, I don’t want to just be called—I want to be chosen. Help me to say yes when You call, to follow You even when I don’t have all the answers. I surrender my plans, my fears, and my excuses. Use me for Your purpose. Amen.
What about you? When Jesus calls, do you say yes, or do you hesitate? What’s holding you back?
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