Category: The New Testament
This category contains all posts beginning in Matthew and ending in Revelation.
Luke Chapter 2
Luke 2 is one of the most familiar and cherished chapters in the Bible. It tells of the birth of Jesus, the announcement to the shepherds, and His presentation at the temple. But beyond the beautiful details of the Christmas story, this chapter powerfully reminds us of something incredible—God accomplishes His plans in His way,… Read more
Luke Chapter 1
What do we know about God? Where did we learn what we know? How can we trust our knowledge? Before we dive into the book of Luke, let’s take a minute to focus our attention on these verses: “I have known from my earliest days that your laws will last forever.” (Psalms 119:152 NLT) “I… Read more
Mark Chapter 16
Today’s devotion is a huge ask from me to you, but please give it a try. We’ve talked about the drama, urgency, and brevity found in the book of Mark. We know that he was the youngest author of a Gospel account and that he is believed to be one of Peter’s traveling companions. Why… Read more
Mark Chapter 15
As we’ve watched this “highlights reel” of Jesus’ life and ministry, we have been brought to this tragic moment in time. The trial, mocking and physical death of Jesus. If this were an actual movie, I’d be covering my eyes. How would you react? The events in this chapter are real, poignant, and powerful. The… Read more
Mark Chapter 14
This chapter brings me to tears. Jesus, empowered with ALL AUTHORITY, washes the feet of the disciples. Yet, He says, “I’m not talking to all of you.” If that statement doesn’t cause us to pause and reflect on our relationship to Christ, what will it take? There is so much in this chapter to unpack,… Read more
Mark Chapter 13
This chapter is one of the most intense and thought-provoking chapters in the Gospel. Jesus speaks of the temple’s destruction, warns of deception, persecution, and tribulation, and foretells His return. It’s a passage that stirs both urgency and hope. Imagine standing in the temple courts that day, marveling at the grandeur of the structure, only… Read more
Mark Chapter 12
The evil farmers, taxes for Cesar, discussion of the resurrection, the most important commandment, or the widow’s offering, which of these stories catches your attention from this chapter? As you read today, consider these questions. How do you get what you want? Who gets credit for what? Why is understanding so liberating, but misunderstanding so… Read more
Mark Chapter 11
Mark 11 is a chapter of contrasts. It starts with Jesus riding into Jerusalem as a King, with crowds cheering and waving palm branches. But by the end, He’s flipping tables in the Temple, confronting religious leaders, and talking about mountains moving with faith. One of the most striking moments is when Jesus sees a… Read more
Mark Chapter 10
Mark 10 is filled with moments that reveal the tension between what we want and what God desires for us. Over and over, people come to Jesus with their expectations, but He responds in ways that challenge them—and us—to surrender to something greater. First, the Pharisees test Jesus about divorce, hoping to trap Him. They… Read more
Mark Chapter 9
God’s Word should always inspire a sense of awe and challenge. Here we have this breathtaking moment of the Transfiguration—Jesus, shining in radiant glory, standing with Moses and Elijah while Peter, James, and John watch in stunned amazement. It’s a scene that reveals Jesus’ divine nature in a way the disciples had never seen before.… Read more