Category: The New Testament
This category contains all posts beginning in Matthew and ending in Revelation.
Matthew Chapter 28
Matthew 28 is the chapter where everything changes. After the pain, betrayal, and grief of the crucifixion, we finally get to the good news—Jesus is alive! But I wonder, if I had been there that morning, how would I have responded? The chapter opens with two women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, coming to… Read more
Matthew 26
Matthew 26 is a chapter filled with intense emotions—betrayal, denial, sorrow, and ultimate surrender. As I read through it, I find myself identifying with different people in the story. And if I’m honest, it’s not always in the ways I’d like. Judas, one of Jesus’ closest followers, betrays Him for thirty pieces of silver. That’s… Read more
Matthew 25
Matthew 25 is one of those chapters that makes me stop and think. Jesus tells three parables—the Ten Virgins, the Talents, and the Sheep and Goats—and each one carries a weighty message about being ready, faithful, and accountable. As I read this chapter, I can’t help but ask myself: Am I truly prepared for His… Read more
Matthew Chapter 24
How many times have you been caught unprepared? Maybe you forgot about a big assignment, didn’t set an alarm, or had company show up when your house was a disaster. That sinking feeling of “I should have been ready” is one we all know too well. Matthew 24 is full of Jesus’ warnings about the… Read more
Matthew Chapter 23
Is there anyone out there, besides me, who lived a double life? Don’t think about that question too long. Before we go too far down that trail, I’m only saying that at times my behavior has been situational. I was a perfectly compliant child at school, but when I got home…(All bets were OFF)! Here… Read more
Matthew Chapter 22
Have you ever missed out on something important because you were too busy or distracted? Maybe it was a dinner with friends, a family gathering, or even a chance to help someone in need. Life pulls us in so many directions that it’s easy to let important opportunities slip by. As I read Matthew 22,… Read more
Matthew Chapter 21
Have you ever thought about what gives someone authority? Is it their title? Their achievements? Or maybe their ability to inspire trust and respect? In Matthew 21, Jesus demonstrates His authority in ways that challenge the religious leaders, the crowds, and even us today. The chapter begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Riding on… Read more
Matthew Chapter 20
Have you ever felt like life wasn’t fair? Maybe you worked harder than someone else but didn’t get the recognition or reward you thought you deserved. The parable of the workers in the vineyard from Matthew 20 taps into that very feeling—and challenges us to see God’s generosity from a new perspective. Jesus tells the… Read more
Matthew Chapter 19
Have you ever found yourself asking questions you already know the answer to? In Matthew 19, we see people asking Jesus familiar questions—questions that reveal more about their hearts than they might realize. First, the Pharisees ask Jesus about divorce, not because they want to learn, but because they want to test Him (v. 3).… Read more
Matthew Chapter18
When you think about greatness, what comes to mind? Success? Influence? Recognition? In Matthew 18, Jesus flips our ideas of greatness upside down. His disciples ask, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (v. 1). Jesus doesn’t give them a lecture or list of achievements. Instead, He brings a little child into their… Read more