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Category: The New Testament

This category contains all posts beginning in Matthew and ending in Revelation.

  • Matthew Chapter 7


    When we look for teachers, mentors, or counselors, what attributes are most important — age, wisdom, effectiveness, experience, authority — what do we look for in a teacher? Who are the people we choose to follow? From the moment Jesus called His first disciples, He traveled from place to place preparing people for the Kingdom… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 6


    Do you ever do anything randomly or without purpose? Students in my classroom on a daily basis react to something I’ve said with, “Well, that was so RANDOM!” Truthfully the statements are never unplanned. The perceived randomness is to inspire a search for connections. Chapter 6 of Matthew, Jesus is teaching aspects of a devoted… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 5


    Are we coming to the Lord today looking for advice and instruction? As Jesus began His public ministry, crowds began to follow Him. The life-lessons He taught covered huge areas of our life experiences — the blessed attitudes, being salt and light, obedience to the law of God, dealing with enemies and anger, adultery, divorce,… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 4


    Our reading today begins with the temptation of Jesus. How often have we heard these narratives? Because the stories are so familiar do we somehow put our minds on auto pilot? Pray with me. Father, as we read these accounts of Jesus, His temptation, the calling of the first disciples, and the crowds that came… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 3


    Do you like watching movies where the main character is introduced in the opening scene as a child, and in the next scene He is an adult on a mission to save the world? Well, that is what happens between yesterday’s reading and today’s. The life of Christ can be seen in glimpses throughout the… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 2


    What makes Christmas, “Christmas” for you — meetings with angels, shepherds and a manger, visits from wise men, or an escape into Egypt? These opening chapters of the New Testament focus our attention on the miraculous hand of God as He unfolds the plan of salvation. In our reading today, each piece of the story… Read more

  • Matthew Chapter 1


    Wow, We are beginning the year 2025! Growing up I thought, “Jesus was coming back ANY DAY — everyday!” I never thought I’d make it out of my teens. Who would have guessed, we’d still be here on Earth in 2025? Now I’m a year away from retirement. So, Happy New Year, and may we… Read more